2024 Calaveras County Board of Supervisors Meetings
11-12-2024 | CBCB Item 18 | Item 18 video | 4-1-0 Tofanelli against |
11-12-2024 | Cannabis Excise Tax | Cannabis Excise Tax | 4-1-0 Tofanelli against |
10-08-2024 | Ag Report | Ag Report 2024 | Informational |
3/8/2022 8:00 AM | ADOPT ORDINANCE REDUCING SECTION 3.56.050(B) TAX RATE PER SECTION 3.56.070 | Adopted | |
2/15/2022 8:00 AM | INTRODUCE ORDINANCE REDUCING SECTION 3.56.050(C) TAX RATE PER SECTION 3.56.070 | Scheduled | |
2/15/2022 8:00 AM | INTRODUCE ORDINANCE REDUCING SECTION 3.56.050(B) TAX RATE PER SECTION 3.56.070 | Adopted | |
12/14/2021 8:00 AM | Resolution Requesting Cannabis Tax Reform at State | Adopted | |
12/14/2021 8:00 AM | INTRODUCE ORDINANCE REDUCING SECTION 3.56.050(C) TAX RATE PER SECTION 3.56.070 | Completed | |
10/26/2021 8:00 AM | Adopt an Uncodified Ordinance Establishing Cannabis Tax Appeal Fee | Adopted | |
9/28/2021 8:00 AM | Introduce a Cannabis Tax Appeal Fee Ordinance Amendment | Adopted | |
8/24/2021 8:00 AM | Adopt a Resolution Establishing Application Fees for Cannabis Testing & Distribution | Adopted | |
8/10/2021 8:00 AM | Adopt a Resolution Establishing Cannabis Tax Appeal Procedure | Adopted | |
7/27/2021 8:00 AM | Adopt Cannabis Permit Modification Fee Resolution | Adopted | |
7/27/2021 8:00 AM | Receive a Regular Status Update on Cannabis Metrics | Scheduled | |
6/22/2021 9:00 AM | Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 17.95 | Adopted | |
5/11/2021 8:00 AM | Refund of unused cannabis application fee. | Adopted | |
4/20/2021 8:00 AM | Board letter to Senator Caballero | Adopted | |
2/9/2021 8:00 AM | Receive a Quarterly Informational Report from the Division of Cannabis Control | Scheduled | |
12/14/2021 8:00 AM | Resolution Requesting Cannabis Tax Reform at State | Adopted | |
12/14/2021 8:00 AM | INTRODUCE ORDINANCE REDUCING SECTION 3.56.050(C) TAX RATE PER SECTION 3.56.070 | Completed | |
10/26/2021 8:00 AM | Adopt an Uncodified Ordinance Establishing Cannabis Tax Appeal Fee | Adopted | |
9/28/2021 8:00 AM | Introduce a Cannabis Tax Appeal Fee Ordinance Amendment | Adopted | |
8/24/2021 8:00 AM | Adopt a Resolution Establishing Application Fees for Cannabis Testing & Distribution | Adopted | |
8/10/2021 8:00 AM | Adopt a Resolution Establishing Cannabis Tax Appeal Procedure | Adopted | |
7/27/2021 8:00 AM | Adopt Cannabis Permit Modification Fee Resolution | Adopted | |
7/27/2021 8:00 AM | Receive a Regular Status Update on Cannabis Metrics | Scheduled | |
6/22/2021 9:00 AM | Adopt an Ordinance Amending Chapter 17.95 | Adopted | |
5/11/2021 8:00 AM | Refund of unused cannabis application fee. | Adopted | |
4/20/2021 8:00 AM | Board letter to Senator Caballero | Adopted | |
2/9/2021 8:00 AM | Receive a Quarterly Informational Report from the Division of Cannabis Control | Scheduled |
8/18/2020 9:00 AM | Division of Cannabis Control Update Regarding Metrics | Tabled | |
7/14/2020 9:00 AM | Resolution Calling Election – Cannabis Tax | Adopted | |
8/25/2020 9:00 AM | Review of Board of Supervisors Priorities | Tabled | |
4/28/2020 9:00 AM | Adopt an Ordinance Amending Ch. 9.22 | Adopted | |
4/14/2020 9:00 AM | Amending Chapter 9.22 | Adopted | |
3/24/2020 8:00 AM | Study Session Regarding Commercial Cannabis Program | Tabled | |
1/28/2020 8:30 AM | Cannabis Regulatory Program Implementation | Scheduled | |
12/17/2019 8:00 AM | Division of Cannabis Control Budget Transfers | Adopted | |
12/10/2019 8:00 AM | Cannabis Regulation Program Budget | Defeated | |
11/19/2019 8:00 AM | Cannabis Regulation Program Budget | Defeated | |
10/22/2019 8:00 AM | Fees for Chapter 9.22 of the County Code | Adopted | |
10/22/2019 8:00 AM | Resolution Adopting Fees for Chapter 17.95 of the County Code | Adopted | |
10/22/2019 8:00 AM | Division of Cannabis Control (Administrative Office) to Access Criminal History | Adopted | |
10/22/2019 8:00 AM | Chapter 9.22 “Cannabis Background Clearance Badge (CBCB)” | Adopted | |
10/8/2019 9:00 AM | Chapter 9.22, entitled “Cannabis Background Clearance Badge (CBCB) | Adopted | |
10/1/2019 8:00 AM | Creation of Division of Cannabis Control | Adopted | |
1/22/2019 9:00 AM | Adjust FY 18-19 Budget to Cover Cannabis Registration Fee Refunds | Adopted |
2024 Calaveras County Planning Commission Meetings
Date | Download Commission Packet | Video | Vote |
6-27-24 | HWMC Farming, Inc. | HWMC Farming, Inc. | Continued |
4-25-2024 | HWMC Farming, Inc. | HWMC Farming, Inc. | Continued |